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Lemon Fresh!


Well how about that spring theme last week, it really was a lemon fresh week ! The sun was shining and the frockers’ spirits lifted us all. The amount of fabulous posts again delighted us, so many wonderful images and the creativity as always was sublime.

We had news of our new interactive evening which we hope to run regularly, our launch one will be a birthday celebration, we all found one another and that’s got to be worth charging a glass for and just celebrating all of your frocking awesomeness. Link here for tickets, all you will need a is a glass of bubbly, a muffin and a candle and your party clothes on . It’ll be a chance for us all to have a chat and a giggle. We have our next one planned after that too and I can’t wait to tell you more but we have got a wonderful frocking guest; sooo excited!

Along with all the birthday excitement we have been starting to plan the in-the-flesh “ Meet the Frockers Events” and plans on how to sell the books. It has been a week of what feels like new beginnings and green shoots of hope appearing. Things will get back to hugging normal by the end of this year. We are determined that there will be one almighty Frocking celebration because we feel you Fabulous Frockers deserve a big real life frocking festival get together.

I have to admit I’m a little tired today because, Suzie phoned gone twelve pm with a problem; she’s starting to get bookings for gigs and like buses they’ve all come at once! I think during Lockdown we had a break from having to make exciting decisions, I mean the main thing I’ve had to decide during in Lockdown is what to eat next, which way for exercise to walk left or right and obviously what to wear! How are we all gonna cope with all these wonderful decision making choices?

I’m hoping that now you’re all more FUF the choices you make will be how do I squeeze the most fun out of life and live in your happy place. Suzie has wonderful choices to make; which gigs , events will bring her most joy , but it brings angst too because she’s the type of person who wants to make the best choice for everyone! My point here though is getting back to normal isn’t going to feel comfortable for us all , as we get back into the fast lane. My hope is we’ve had time to realise things that we want to keep in our lives from Lockdown and the things we want to get back from our previous lives that we loved. It’s been a really tough call for so many people being unable to socialise but I suspect even the most sociable of us will find returning to social situations may give us a wobble or two. But we’ve got each other at FUF and no matter what, we can keep on Frocking and support each other.

It’s all starting to feel fresh and exciting, daunting and scary too. But no matter, what let’s embrace the newness. We got this!

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